Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, June 27 Mt Rushmore

Well, once we got done panning for Gold and found some!......we went to to Mount Rushmore. We could see it from the mine entrance across the valley.

It is so cool. We have hopes of joining 20,000 to 30,000 people on July 3 to see the fireworks. So more on Mt. Rushmore.

We are tired so back to the trailer for a nice relaxing evening.


Lea-Ann said...

Its been 18 years since Tom and I made a trip west like that . . . beautiful country and wonderful you can take it in leisurely, even with the long drive ;-) . . . thanks for sharing! Lea-Ann

The Forster's said...

Yeah the Blog works!!!! We had no luck with the other blog. This picture is spectacular. How is the new truck handling the hills?!?!?
Love you guys,
Jon & Cindy

KellyMac said...

Hi Champions! This is such a great idea...we especially enjoy the pictures. I can't wait to see some pictures of the fireworks if you end up taking some. Glad to hear you're having fun!

P.S. We found out that Aunt Rosalyn has lung cancer and that Jessie Dolph is being deployed to Iraq soon. Sorry to send bad news...just thought you'd like to know. Call us if you want Jessie's cell number. On a sort of lighter note we brought back some cottage things for you to go through when you get back.